Internet in Samoa was okay, but it was difficult to upload photos...not impossible but difficult.
The real reason for not updating the blog sooner was we were very busy...and I kinda forgot to update the blog when I had the few free moments we had.
There.....I was honest.
I thought I might sugar-coat it and say we were so busy I just did not have time, which is not completely accurate, but close; Or to say that we were so far from an internet cafe that it made it difficult to get online, which is not completely accurate, but close; Or to say that using our laptop in an internet cafe is possible, however, the cost is twice as much as using one of theirs, which is accurate; Or to say that saving an update onto a memory stick and uploading the file on a supplied computer at the internet cafe was a dodgy choice because of viruses, which is accurate.
But the real reason is that I kinda forgot to update it.
We are back in New Zealand now and gearing up for our return to the USA for the remainder of 2008. We plan to return to NZ for Christmas as all the rest of our family are in New Zealand. It is amazing to have everyone here in NZ now and looking as if they all plan to be here long term.
Susie and Matt are working with Marine Reach here in Tauranga. It is a joy for us personally to have them close, especially since our granddaughter, Oceana lives with them.

They come to the ship often and we baby sit whenever we can to have some '
Nana and Baboo' time with her. Their blog address is
Cate is in Invercargill, NZ studying Nursing. She has excelled in her classes and has become her class Representative to the school...kind of like Class President. She loves nursing and has had high marks both in the classroom and in the clinical placements she has had in the local community.
Havalah is in NZ now, having finished up her one-year course at Elim Bible Institute in Lima, New York. ( Finding work in New Zealand in the winter time is not easy, however, Havie has some temporary work until mid-October. She continues to look for more permanent work and is in process of deciding about University beginning in February,2009. She's been focused on a teaching career, however, is now looking at the possibility of studying nursing. If nursing becomes the choice she may not be able to get in on the 2009 enrollment here in NZ, as things will close soon.

Josiah is with us on the ship and is enrolled with the NZ Correspondence school. This is the same curriculum as the public schools use so Josiah is tracking with NZ students his age/grade. 2009 will be his final year of high school, so we will likely place him at a local high school here in Tauraga (Otumoetai College [High School]). That will enable him to finish up high school with a NZ approved diploma which is makes getting into a university here in NZ a much easier proposition than with just a homeschool diploma...or even a US high school diploma.
Josiah is a deckhand on the ship helping with watches, anchors and lines, chipping rust, cleaning and painting onboard. It is a great opportunity to learn nautical skills which is what he wants to study at University. His goal is to become a ship's captain...sailing large cargo ships or tankers around the world. He would be involved with Marine Reach as well helping to sail their medical ships around the world. He quite loves the lifestyle, but all of us, including Josiah are looking forward to a break from ship life for a time.
The 2008 outreach season with Marine Reach was a huge success. Overall we saw just short of 6,000 people in the five months we were in the islands.
We have some great stories and photos on our marine reach website:
I'm barbecuing for the ship tonight so I must run for now. I am working on a 'real' update for this site that tells the story of the mears family in the past few months onboard the M/V Pacific Link.
Bye for now.....