Busy days as we approach our launch date.
The ship we serve on, the M/V Pacific Link, is set to sail to Fiji and Western Samoa April 5, and return in late August to our home port of Tauranga, New Zealand.
We are with an organization called Marine Reach - Youth With A Mission YWAM.
A few years ago Mercy Ships pulled out of Youth With A Mission, to carry on doing what they have always done, but doing so out from under the umbrella that is YWAM.
Mercy Ships Pacific decided to stay with YWAM, so we reverted to our original name and our original vision. The vision of Marine Reach is to use smaller ships to reach the isolated coastal communities of the Pacific Islands, and the Pacific Rim nations.
We are beginning to branch out worldwide, with offices in New Zealand, USA, UK, Brazil, Africa, Japan, and Australia.
We have provided free medical, dental, optometry, and Opthalmology services in the remote, isolated villages of eighteen nations around the Pacific.
This year we will serve many of the remote areas of the island nation of Fiji, and Western Samoa.
Check out our website: http://www.marinereach.com
In the days ahead I"ll make this somewhat of an online journal, telling stories from outreach as well as pictures and videos of our family and the committed people we work with.